EPOS Adapt 231 Adapt 200 Series Wireless Monaural On Ear Headset USB-C via Bluetooth Adapter 1000896



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The EPOS Adapt 231 Adapt 200 Series Wireless Monaural On Ear Headset with USB-C dongle, both UC optimised and Microsoft Teams certified. Enjoy flexible connectivity and great audio with this headset. Connect wirelessly via Bluetooth to two of your favourite devices simultaneously and enjoy renowned stereo sound. With thick, soft, on-ear leatherette ear pad, enabling all-day comfort and passive noise damping. The wireless headset fits with your dynamic working style in the hybrid workplace.

Your Price: £143.51 exc VAT

£163.89 exc VAT

  • Enjoy flexible connectivity and great audio
  • Maximize your comfort and productivity
  • Microsoft Teams certified and UC optimized
  • Stay stylish with sleek design
  • Extremely portable to keep you moving
Brand EPOS
Colour Black
Connection USB-C/Bluetooth
Form On Ear Headset
Function PC and Mobile Headset
Manufacturer Sennheiser Electronic GmbH
Microphone Yes
Noise Cancelling Yes
Stereo No
Style Single SIded
Type Headsets & Microphones
Warranty 2 Year Limited Warranty
Wired/Wireless Wireless

Your Price: £143.51 exc VAT

£163.89 exc VAT